Capitalisation Rules

Capitalization Rules and its effects on Transcription:

10 Rules have been prepared on Capitalization which will solve your all confusion/problems related to Capitalisation during transcription and thereby ensure accuracy of transcription & success. 



Solution for “Capitalisation” issue/problem in all skill tests including SCC Stenographer C&D Skill Test, Court related Skill Tests by Sir A.V. Kushwaha via Online English Shorthand Class @ Telegram No. 7355504435 @ Rs. 100/- per month only.

Today I will make you understandhow to keep Capitalisation flawless in any Skill Test. I have written about 10 Rules, which will make your Transcription flawless. It will bring you closure to accuracy and thereby ensuring your success and utmost satisfaction to myself. I will explain you few rules occationally. So you all are required to make a note of it or get it printed out. (By Sir A.V. Kushwaha “shorthand dictation legal matters” {YouTube}. Online English Shorthand Class at Telegram No. 7355504435)

Let us start:

Rule 1 . Write names of any post/designation in capital letter. Examples : President, Secretary In case the post/designation contains two or more words, it all shall be written in capital letters. Example : Chief Secretary, Prime Minister. {जब भी किसी पद/ओहदा का नाम लिखे, तो उसके प्रत्येक शब्द को Capital में लिखे} (By Sir A.V. Kushwaha “shorthand dictation legal matters” {YouTube}. Online English Shorthand Class at Telegram No. 7355504435)

Few more examples :

Chief Minister, Prime Minister, Chief Secretary, Finance Minster, Planning Minister, Railway Minster, Food Minister, Heath Minister, Chief Secretary, Vice-Chairman, Deputy Chairman, President, Foreign Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Attorney-General, Chief Justice, Judge, Deputy Registrars, Junior Inspectors, Senior Inspectors, Investigating Officer, Regional Directorates, Income-tax Officer, President, Collector, Secretary, Ticket Collectors, General Managers, Divisional Managers, Director of Sericulture, Monarch of England, Supreme Commander etc. (By Sir A.V. Kushwaha “shorthand dictation legal matters” {YouTube}. Online English Shorthand Class at Telegram No. 7355504435)

Rule 2 . Whenever you write names of any Ministry, you must write its each and every letter in capital. Examples: Home Ministry, Education Ministry etc. {जब भी किसी मंत्रालय का नाम लिखे, तो उसके प्रत्येक शब्द को Capital में लिखे} (By Sir A.V. Kushwaha “shorthand dictation legal matters” {YouTube}. Online English Shorthand Class at Telegram No. 7355504435)

Few more examples :

Home Ministry, Education Ministry, Food Ministry, Broadcasting Ministry, Commerce and Industry Ministry, Ministry of Housing, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Food), Ministry of Civil Supplies/Public Distribution etc.

Rule 3. Whenever you write a title just before any name, you must write it in capital.

Examples: Ms. Mr. Mrs. Sir Dr. Prof. Lt. etc. {नाम के पूर्व लिखे जाने वाले titles के पहले वाले letter को Capital में लिखा जाता है।}

Rule 4. Write Proper Nouns (i.e. names of specific people, place animals (For example, Simba (a lion), or things) in capital. {जब भी किसी Proper Noun (i.e. किसी व्यक्ति/जगह/ देश/ राजनितिक दाल इत्यादि) को लिखे, तो उसे Capital में लिखे।} (By Sir A.V. Kushwaha “shorthand dictation legal matters” {YouTube}. Online English Shorthand Class at Telegram No. 7355504435)


Mr. Mookerjee, Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee, Mr. Bhupesh Gupta, Dr. Kunzru, Dr. Radhakrishnan, Shri Narshimha Rao, Mrs. Chandramani, Mr. Humayun Kabir, Shri Vasant Sathe, Mr. Mishra, Mr. Madhu Limaye, Shri Balram Jhakar, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, Prof. Das, Sardar Swarn Singh, Mirza Afzal, Mr. Yogi Adityanath, Mr. Narendra Modi etc.

Ayodhya, Delhi, Calcutta, West Bengal, Kerala, Jammu & Kashmir, Orrissa, Bombay, Madras, Kanpur, America, Japan, Britain, India etc.

The Congress Party, The Bhartiya Janta Party, Rastriya Janata Dal etc.

Rule 5. Proper Adjective made from Proper Nouns should be written in Capital {Proper Noun से बने हुए Proper Adjective को भी Capital में ही लिखा जाना चाहिए ।} (By Sir A.V. Kushwaha “shorthand dictation legal matters” {YouTube}. Online English Shorthand Class at Telegram No. 7355504435)

Examples: Indian, American, British, Japaneses, Bengali, Punjabi, Bihari, English etc.

Rule 6. All the words written in Abbreviation should be in Capital {Abbreviations में प्रयुक्त अक्षरों को Capital में लिखना चाहिए।}

Examples: B.A. M.A. I.A.S. L.L.B. etc.

:- यहाँ ध्यान रखे की यदि एक से अधिक letters संयुक्त (joint) हो, तो सिर्फ पहला वाला लेटर ही कैपिटल (first letter should be in Capital) में लिखे

Examples: I.Sc. B.Sc. Ph.D etc.

:- निम्नलिखित को Small Letter से लिखे (Write following words in Small Letters) a.m. p.m. e.g. etc. i.e. etc.

Rule 7. Names of months and days should always be written in Capital. {महीनो और दिनों के नाम हमेशा Capital में लिखना चाहिए।}

Examples: January, February, March, April, May, etc.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc.

Rule 8. When you expand any abbreviation-form or write any organization/institution/committee/Commission, then its every word should be written capital as it is treated and used as “proper noun” in a sentence. (By Sir A.V. Kushwaha “shorthand dictation legal matters” {YouTube}. Online English Shorthand Class at Telegram No. 7355504435) {जब भी किसी Abbreviation-Form को Expand करे या किसी organization/institution/committee/Commission इत्यादि को लिखे, तो उसका प्रत्येक शब्द Capital में लिखे क्योकि इन्हे as a “Proper Noun” ही sentence में प्रयोग किया जाता है} [A proper noun is the special word that we use for a person, place or organization, like John, Marie, London, France.]


National Integration Council, Central Public Works Department, Life Insurance Corporation, University Grants Commission, University Education Commission, International Monetary Fund, Narasimham Committee, Sarkaria Commission, European Common Market, Industrial Policy Resolution, Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of India, Central Silk Board, Standing Committee, Fiscal Commission, Ramkrishna Mission, General, Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Congress Working Committee, Council of Ministers, Board of Film, Cultural Film Society, Children's Film Society, Children's Film Club, Central Legislative Assembly, Joint Select Committee, National Service Force, Education and Scientific Division, Indian Oil Corporation, Oil and (By Sir A.V. Kushwaha “shorthand dictation legal matters” {YouTube}. Online English Shorthand Class at Telegram No. 7355504435) Natural Gas Commission, Non-Proliferation Treaty, National Security Council, Public Financial Institutions, Statement of Objects and Reasons, Coal Board, Censor Board, Boards of State Bank Group of Banks, Social Welfare Board, Board of Directors, Estimates Committee, Bhanu Pratap Committee, Unipublic Service Commission, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Criminal Procedure Code, Indian Penal Code, National Development Council, State Trading Corporation, Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, National Housing Policy, Backward Classes Commission, Election Commission, Export Promotion Council, Public Accounts Committee, National Cooperative Union, Consumer Cooperative Societies, Warehouse Corporations, Banking Public Financial Institutions, Integrated Rural Development Programme, National Drinking Water Mission, National Front Government, Federal Republic of Germany, International Bank for Development, State Trading Corporation, Rural Credit Survey Committee, Mudaliar Secondary Education, Chittranjan's Locomotive works, Vice-Chancellor's Conference, Scientific Policy Commission, Civil Supplies and Public Distribution System, Cauvery River Valley Authority, Damodar Valley Corporation, Employee's Provident Fund, Central Board of Worker's Education, Assam State Electricity Board etc. (By Sir A.V. Kushwaha “shorthand dictation legal matters” {YouTube}. Online English Shorthand Class at Telegram No. 7355504435)

Rule 9. Please pay attention to the following words which are used in Government Institutions and these words should always be written in Capital: {निम्नलिखित शब्दों (words) पर ध्यान दे ये सरकारी संस्थानों (Government Insitutions) में प्रयोग किये जाते है इन्हे हमेशा कैपिटल में ही लिखना चाहिए} (By Sir A.V. Kushwaha “shorthand dictation legal matters” {YouTube}. Online English Shorthand Class at Telegram No. 7355504435)


Government, Central Government, State Government, Governing Body, Court, High Court, Supreme Court, Supreme Court Judge, High Court Judge, Chief Justice, Governor, Member, Members of Parliament, Parliament, Cabinet, State, Circle, Union Territories, Universities, Budget, Resolution, Bill, Clause, Legislature, Act, Rules, Article, Report, Mover, Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, Constitution, Constitutional, Head, Table, Party, Ordinance, Defence, Army, Naxalites, English, Hindi, Railway(s), Department, Disarmament, Committee, Commission, Corporation, Independence, Press, Press of India, House, Capital Investment, Directive Principles, Directives, Fundamental Rights, Opposition etc. (By Sir A.V. Kushwaha “shorthand dictation legal matters” {YouTube}. Online English Shorthand Class at Telegram No. 7355504435)

Some more Examples:

(i) Government of India, Government servants, President's Address, Western world, Western countries, Head of the State, Constitutional power, Article 52 of the Constitution, Council of States, People Act, Defence personnel, Defence Services, Central Services, Supply Corps, Post and Telegraph levies, Railway Board, Railway Budget, Railway Inspectorate, Relway administration, Railway officials, Railway traffic, Railway taxes, Railway authorities, Railway organisations, Station Master's Union, Us Press, Indian Press, Press Council, State Department, SAARC Summit, SAARC framework, Constitutional history, Code of Conduct, Congress policy, Budget proposals, Budget speech, Budget figure, British regime, British Railways, Nation's progress Anganwadi classes, Concurrent List, State List, National Seminar, Demands for Grants, Constituent Assembly, State of Gujrat, Committee's recommendation, Dantwala Committee's recommendations, Food Foundation team, Opposition leaders, Secretary of State, American policy, Table of the House, Vote No. 9, Chapter IV/V etc.

(ii) Constitution (Amendment) Bill, Cinematograph (Amendment) Bill, Company Law (Amendment) Bill, Company Law (Amendment) Act, Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, Negotiable Instruments Laws (Amendment) Bill, Direct Tax (Amendment) Act, Press Council (Amendment) Bill, Press Council (Second Amendment) Bill, Mineral Concession Rules etc. (By Sir A.V. Kushwaha “shorthand dictation legal matters” {YouTube}. Online English Shorthand Class at Telegram No. 7355504435)

(iv) Plan, First Plan, Second Plan, First Plan, Third Plan, Third Plan

(v) Period, Action Plan, First Five Year Plan, Second Five Year Plan,

(vi) Third Five Year Plan, Seventh Five Year Plan, Eleventh Five Year Plan etc.

Rule 10. Despite following the aforementioned rules, you may fee the urge to write the words given below in Capital but if you try to understand attentively, you will yourself understand that these words must be written in small letters only: {उपरोक्त नियमो का पालन करते हुए हो सकता है की आपको निम्नलिखित प्रकार के शब्दों या शब्दों के समूह को भी Capital Letter में लिखने का मन करे; किन्तु ध्यान से समझने पर आप खुद--खुद समझ जाओगे की इन्हे Small Letter में ही लिखा जाएगा} (By Sir A.V. Kushwaha “shorthand dictation legal matters” {YouTube}. Online English Shorthand Class at Telegram No. 7355504435)


august House, foreign exchange, foreign exchange resources, foreign policy, balance of payments position, nuclear proliferation, conditionalities, budgetary, budgetary deficit, commercial banks, democracy, primary education, scheduled banks, cottage industry, spinning mills, fiscal policy, commonwealth, middle classes, principal Act, children's films, children's nurseries, children's homes, civil services, public opinion, public mind, public cooperation, public sector undertakings, public enterprises, financial management, international organisations, political fold, locomotives, agriculture, (By Sir A.V. Kushwaha “shorthand dictation legal matters” {YouTube}. Online English Shorthand Class at Telegram No. 7355504435) agriculture sector, agricultural production,rural sector, penal offence, official Gazette, statutory body, statutory committee, food production, national income, standards of living, literature, national language, sugar industry, sugar mills, tripartite, bilateral, economic development, economic conditions, industrial production, per capita, capital expenditure, bumper crop, viva voce, oral test, capital formation, spokesmen, taxation, indirect taxation, municipal committees, governmental organisations, civil expenditure, district, women's education compulsory education, primary education, secondary education, backward classes, weaker sections, capital, machinery, summer schools, administrative structure, the haves and the have-nots, political affairs, technical education, commercial institutions, commercial banks, commercial purposes, financial institutions, nationalisation, national integration, village industries, provision, rolling stock etc. (By Sir A.V. Kushwaha “shorthand dictation legal matters” {YouTube}. Online English Shorthand Class at Telegram No. 7355504435)

**The End**

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  1. Government, Court, Act, Section, State agar ye akele aate hain to ye capital honge ya small???
