40 Important Legal & General Words Dictation with Vocabulary
Outlines are given at the end of this chapter
Vocabulary Building-
Learn all words by heart.
Per mensum: every month or by the month प्रति मास, मासिक
very unusual असाधारण, अद्भुत, not what you would expect in a
particular situation; very strange स्थिति-विशेष में अप्रत्याशित; बहुत
Inasmuch as: to the extent that; insofar as, because of the fact that जहाँ तक कि; क्योंकि, चूँकि,
Particular: used to emphasize that you are talking about one person,
thing, time, etc. and not about others (व्यक्ति, वस्तु, समय आदि)
विशेष, ख़ास
Readapt: become adjusted to changed conditions again पुन: अनुकूलित Allowance: an amount of something that you are allowed वह मात्रा, राशि जिसे ले जाने आदि के लिए छूट मिली हो; छूट
Transformation: a marked change in form, nature, or appearance. परिवर्तन, रूपांतर
Procurement: the action of obtaining or procuring something. प्राप्ति
Widespread: found or happening over a large area; affecting a large number of people दूर-दूर तक फैला हुआ, व्याप्त; अनेक लोगों को प्रभावित करने वाला, व्यापक
Augment: to increase the amount, value, size, etc. of something किसी वस्तु का मूल्य, संख्या आकार आदि बढ़ाना
Accord: an agreement, especially between countries औपचारिक समझौता या संधि (प्रायः देशों के बीच), to give something to somebody किसी व्यक्ति को कुछ प्रदान करना (सम्मान, समर्थन आदि)
Premium: an amount of money that you pay regularly to a company for insurance against accidents, damage, etc. दुर्घटना, क्षति आदि के बीमा के लिए किसी कंपनी को दी गई नियमित रक़म; बीमे की क़िस्त
Impactful: having a major impact or effect. प्रभावपूर्ण
Ensure: to make sure that something happens or is definite किसी बात को सुनिश्चित करना, किसी बात का सुनिश्चित होना
Accuracy Mantra: Understand the difference to avoid mistake while transcribing.
Transformation: a marked change in form, nature, or appearance. परिवर्तन, रूपांतर
Procurement: the action of obtaining or procuring something. प्राप्ति
Widespread: found or happening over a large area; affecting a large number of people दूर-दूर तक फैला हुआ, व्याप्त; अनेक लोगों को प्रभावित करने वाला, व्यापक
Augment: to increase the amount, value, size, etc. of something किसी वस्तु का मूल्य, संख्या आकार आदि बढ़ाना
Accord: an agreement, especially between countries औपचारिक समझौता या संधि (प्रायः देशों के बीच), to give something to somebody किसी व्यक्ति को कुछ प्रदान करना (सम्मान, समर्थन आदि)
Premium: an amount of money that you pay regularly to a company for insurance against accidents, damage, etc. दुर्घटना, क्षति आदि के बीमा के लिए किसी कंपनी को दी गई नियमित रक़म; बीमे की क़िस्त
Impactful: having a major impact or effect. प्रभावपूर्ण
Ensure: to make sure that something happens or is definite किसी बात को सुनिश्चित करना, किसी बात का सुनिश्चित होना
Accuracy Mantra: Understand the difference to avoid mistake while transcribing.
Access: a way of entering or reaching a place किसी स्थान में प्रवेश करने या वहाँ पहुँचने का रास्ता; प्रवेशमार्ग
Accuracy Mantra: Understand the difference to avoid mistake while transcribing. Access means the ability to or means of approaching or entering a place. Associate this word with accessible. Excess means extra or exceeding or more than necessary.
Post-harvesting processing: Post-harvest processing is drying and
cleaning etc. which is very important for maintaining high-quality grain
Insurance: an arrangement with a company in which you pay them regular amounts of money and they agree to pay the costs if, for example, you die or are ill, or if you lose or damage something एक कंपनी के साथ की गई ऐसी व्यवस्था जिसके अनुसार व्यक्ति उसे नियमित रूप से राशि देता है और कंपनी उसे सुरक्षा देती है, जैसे-मृत्यु, चोरी या हानि पर धन का भुगतान; बीमा
Accuracy Mantra: Don’t listen or confuse with word assurance which means a promise.
Calamity: a terrible event that causes a lot of damage or harm कठोर विपत्ति
Remunerative: paying a lot of money लाभकारी, लाभदायक, earning a salary; paid.
Extensive: covering or affecting a large area. व्यापक "an extensive garden"
Assurance: a positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise. "he gave an assurance that work would begin on Monday"
Essential commodity: any commodity which the Government may consider as essential.
Instantly: at once; immediately. तुरन्त
Some Important Legal Words Often Occurring in Dictation
Plausible: (of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable. सत्य प्रतीत होने वाला "a plausible explanation"
Belated: coming or happening later than should have been the case. "a belated apology"
Deliberation: long and careful consideration or discussion. "after much deliberation we arrived at a compromise" विवेचना
Vitiated: spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of, destroy or impair the legal validity of. "the insurance is vitiated because of foolish acts on the part of the tenant"
Eloquently: in a fluent or persuasive manner वाकपटुता से
Sketchy: not having many or enough details जिसमें अधिक या पर्याप्त ब्योरे न हों; रूपरेखात्मक
Reversed: to put something in the opposite position to normal or to how it was before पहले किए का उलटा या विपरीत करना
Touched upon: to briefly talk or write about (something) : to mention (something) briefly
Casual: relaxed and not worried; without showing great effort or interest तनावमुक्त और अचिंतित; प्रयास, परवाह या रुचि से वंचित
Cryptic: having a hidden meaning that is not easy to understand; mysterious गुप्त अर्थ वाला; रहस्यमय
Perfunctory: (used about an action) done quickly as a duty without any interest or feeling (कार्य) कर्त्तव्य के रूप में किया गया (बिना रुचि, ध्यान आदि के); अन्यमनस्क
Flimsy: not strong; easily broken or torn कमज़ोर; आसानी से टूटने या फटने वाला
Acquitted: to state formally that a person is not guilty of a crime किसी के निर्दोष होने की विधिवत घोषणा करना
Withheld: to refuse to give something to somebody किसी वस्तु से कोई वस्तु रोक रखना (देने से इनकार कर देना)
Gag: to put a gag in or over somebody’s mouth किसी के मुँह में कपड़ा आदि ठूँसना (उसे बोलने से रोकने के लिए)
Wee hours: very late at night or very early in the morning
Rented: pay someone for the use of (something, typically property, land, or a car). "they rented a house together in Sussex"
Forcible: done by force.
Proceeds: money that you get when you sell something कुछ बेचने से प्राप्त धन
Insurance: an arrangement with a company in which you pay them regular amounts of money and they agree to pay the costs if, for example, you die or are ill, or if you lose or damage something एक कंपनी के साथ की गई ऐसी व्यवस्था जिसके अनुसार व्यक्ति उसे नियमित रूप से राशि देता है और कंपनी उसे सुरक्षा देती है, जैसे-मृत्यु, चोरी या हानि पर धन का भुगतान; बीमा
Accuracy Mantra: Don’t listen or confuse with word assurance which means a promise.
Calamity: a terrible event that causes a lot of damage or harm कठोर विपत्ति
Remunerative: paying a lot of money लाभकारी, लाभदायक, earning a salary; paid.
Extensive: covering or affecting a large area. व्यापक "an extensive garden"
Assurance: a positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise. "he gave an assurance that work would begin on Monday"
Essential commodity: any commodity which the Government may consider as essential.
Instantly: at once; immediately. तुरन्त
Some Important Legal Words Often Occurring in Dictation
Plausible: (of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable. सत्य प्रतीत होने वाला "a plausible explanation"
Belated: coming or happening later than should have been the case. "a belated apology"
Deliberation: long and careful consideration or discussion. "after much deliberation we arrived at a compromise" विवेचना
Vitiated: spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of, destroy or impair the legal validity of. "the insurance is vitiated because of foolish acts on the part of the tenant"
Eloquently: in a fluent or persuasive manner वाकपटुता से
Sketchy: not having many or enough details जिसमें अधिक या पर्याप्त ब्योरे न हों; रूपरेखात्मक
Reversed: to put something in the opposite position to normal or to how it was before पहले किए का उलटा या विपरीत करना
Touched upon: to briefly talk or write about (something) : to mention (something) briefly
Casual: relaxed and not worried; without showing great effort or interest तनावमुक्त और अचिंतित; प्रयास, परवाह या रुचि से वंचित
Cryptic: having a hidden meaning that is not easy to understand; mysterious गुप्त अर्थ वाला; रहस्यमय
Perfunctory: (used about an action) done quickly as a duty without any interest or feeling (कार्य) कर्त्तव्य के रूप में किया गया (बिना रुचि, ध्यान आदि के); अन्यमनस्क
Flimsy: not strong; easily broken or torn कमज़ोर; आसानी से टूटने या फटने वाला
Acquitted: to state formally that a person is not guilty of a crime किसी के निर्दोष होने की विधिवत घोषणा करना
Withheld: to refuse to give something to somebody किसी वस्तु से कोई वस्तु रोक रखना (देने से इनकार कर देना)
Gag: to put a gag in or over somebody’s mouth किसी के मुँह में कपड़ा आदि ठूँसना (उसे बोलने से रोकने के लिए)
Wee hours: very late at night or very early in the morning
Rented: pay someone for the use of (something, typically property, land, or a car). "they rented a house together in Sussex"
Forcible: done by force.
Proceeds: money that you get when you sell something कुछ बेचने से प्राप्त धन
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